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We believe that the basis of Community Groups is found in the good news of the gospel: Jesus's glorious death and resurrection to make sinners His righteous children. But the gospel goes further than that—it does not leave us to work out our salvation alone! Because of Jesus, we are "no longer strangers and aliens," but have been given a new identity, and placed into a family where we are "fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God". (Eph 2:19)



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Why we value gathering in CGs

We are not meant to run this race alone—the brothers and sisters He has given to us are instrumental to help us finish well. As those bound together by the blood of Jesus, we have a stake in one another's lives. And the stakes are high because through this, Christ will be magnified and the gospel put on display.

At RHC, we see CGs as the primary means of how this reality gets lived out: a community where, through being anchored in the Word, we help one another bring the gospel to bear in our lives and to see that Jesus’ death and resurrection is not just a remote theological truth, but has transforming power for our hearts.

What we desire our CGs to be

As redeemed sinners, we want to see relationships within our CGs not just as mere social interactions, but ones that are marked by grace, truth and humility that both give and receive richly: deeply invested in encouraging and building one another up, rejoicing and weeping with one another, stirring one another up in love and good works and reminding one another of the hope that we have in Christ.

What we do in a CG

A typical CG session involves studying a passage of the Bible together closely, and from there applying these biblical truths richly to our day to day lives. We worship, pray, and fellowship together in these times, and we strive to deepen our relationships by caring for one another through the week.

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